挖出瀏覽器中記憶的密碼 - WebBrowserPassView,這個程式只要一開啟就會自動列出所有儲存在瀏覽器中的帳號密碼,支援IE、Firefox、Chrome、Safari、Opera...等瀏覽器,忘記密碼的時候很好用,別人要偷你密碼的時候更好用,看你以後還
WebBrowserPassView is a password recovery tool that reveals the passwords stored by the following Web browsers: Internet Explorer (Version 4.0 - 9.0), Mozilla Firefox (All Versions), Google Chrome, Safari, and Opera. This tool can be used to recover your lost/forgotten password of any Website, including popular Web sites, like Facebook, Yahoo, Google, and GMail, as long as the password is stored by your Web Browser.
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