RC語音 6.3.6 免安裝中文版 - 線上遊戲群聊語音聊天軟體
台灣最多人使用的語音聊天軟體 - RC語音(RaidCall),可以用於線上遊戲的團隊聊天,也可以當成線上聊天室/卡拉OK,其通訊技術有別於Skype的P2P方式,是將聲音傳送到主機後再傳送到收訊者,因此比較不佔使用者頻寬。
Raidcall is specifically designed for group communication, especially for games requiring tight teamwork such as FPS and MMORPG games. It can provide clear voice quality with low latency, with no need to rent servers or set up a server yourself. Raidcall makes group communication easier.
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