數位化桌面便利貼 - Stickies,不用在電腦前面貼一堆便利貼了!用用數位化的產物吧!幫助你記一些雜事。(圖)
[2009.10.17] 上次更新:2008/8/26。
[2010.03.27] 感謝讀者通知官方中文語系訊息,釋出 7.0b 免安裝中文版。
Stickies is a PC utility I wrote to try to cut down on the number of Post-ItR notes I was leaving stuck to my monitor. It is a computerised version of those notes.
The design goal behind Stickies is that the program is small and simple. Stickies will not mess with your system files, or write to the registry. Stickies stores all information in a single text-based ini file.
關鍵字:stickies portable
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Stickies 原本貼在桌面的便條紙只要重開機後都會不見?
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